>> "What if the countries of tomorrow began as startups today?"

i think the difference between country and corporation is already pretty slim... who's to say they aren't the same thing in the future?

just like we can't choose our family but we can choose our friends, maybe in the future the country/corporation we choose isn't the one we are born in / hired by, but rather the one we create.

(and b4 everyone jumps all over me to state that corporations are heartless / soulless / amoral machines which exist solely for profit... maybe a corporation we create can have the same morals / values as the community we choose to build)

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Insightful. I am reminded of Baudrillard's saying that Disneyland exists to make us believe the rest of the world is real. [1]

This can be extended to the concept of 'countries' themselves, that this political construct exists to set the rest of the world apart as 'not countries'. Yet, as you say, corporations, tribes, currencies, clubs, or associations mirror aspects of 'country'-ness.

Bringing this all together, one way of looking at this is as an unbundling of the 'commanding heights' of the economy into their constituent company towns, leaning hard into growing corps into communities and cities unto themselves. In other words, what would it look like if the castles of Disneyland *are* the commanding heights?

[1] https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/291624-whence-the-possibility-of-an-ideological-analysis-of-disneyland-l

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